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20- Visual

17- Auditory

19- Kinesthetic/Tactile

Based on the Learning Assessment course I have taken, I’ve discovered that my primary learning style is visual. I was not aware of this originally. In fact, I thought I was more of an auditory learner. Discovering I was primarily a visual learner was surprising at first, but as I thought more about it, it began to make sense. As I read about the behaviors and habits of visual learners, I’ve realized that I undoubtedly fall into this category.
Visual learners ordinarily rely on resources they can see. This can be in the form of writing, pictures, diagrams, and people. One aspect of visual learning I wasn’t aware of is the startling impact of writing notes. I have found myself taking notes more often for classes even when it’s not required, and I’ve found that I retain the information much easier. There are many statements regarding visual learning that apply to me, especially concerning reading. When I read, I tend to pause to envision the scene or situation in my head which is a common trait of a visual learner. Recently, I have developed a strategy of writing out pros and cons regarding problem-solving in everyday life which is also a trait of being visual. I would also peg myself as having a vivid and boundless imagination which is a key component of a visual learner.
In the classes I’m currently taking, I can utilize my newfound knowledge about visual learning. Taking notes more often is already a terrific form of study for me, specifically for long textbook assignments that may have a large amount of information to absorb. I’ve found this skill especially useful in Anatomy, English, Bible, and Guitar. Along with note-taking, flashcards and Quizlet are also valuable resources that I should employ more often. Quizlet’s virtual flashcards have helped me on a multitude of quizzes, and it would be wise to make a habit of using them. Now that I know I’m a visual learner, I can better prepare myself for all of my classes and figure out a method of studying that truly works for me.

Type of Learner: Bio
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