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I am dedicating my senior portfolio to my grandmother, Marion Gray. She passed away about four years ago, but I know she would have loved to see this project and the young woman of the Lord I’m becoming. We used to call her “Grammie” as a nickname which stuck through all of my years knowing her. She was a brilliant pianist and musician who could light up a room whenever she entered it. We had a special connection all throughout my childhood, and one of the reasons why is because she taught me how to love music just as much as her. I can remember sitting on her lap, plunking out a melody on her old grand piano while she cheered me on, and dancing around her living room while she played a special song. She encouraged me in everything I did, and I considered her my “biggest fan.” At every showcase, performance, musical, or school talent show, she was there cheering me on. Without her encouragement and support, I definitely wouldn’t have an elevated love of theatre and music like I do today.
My Grammie also had a deep love for the Lord that she often shared with everyone she met. She could have been a concert pianist with the level of expertise she had, but instead, she decided to use her immense talent in a small church, playing on the worship team and directing children’s plays. She could have made it big if she wanted to, but her eyes were on Jesus all along and He used her for beautiful purposes. She serves as an example for me as I’m carving out my future; I should always keep Jesus and His plans for my life in the forefront of my mind. I miss my Grammie deeply, but I’m so thankful for the memories we shared. She truly inspired me to do my best at everything I set my mind to and to have a strong, unshaken faith in Jesus.

Dedication: Bio
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