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  • Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?


Over quarantine, without theater as a hobby, I discovered a unique source of comfort in something I never thought I would return to. I have discovered that one of my passions is creative writing, especially regarding fictional stories. This started out small with a short story based around a character from a show that I love, and I was basically jumping on the bandwagon with all of my new online friends who were also writers. As I developed my skill, however, I found a sense of community and unearthed a side of myself that has been hidden for a long time. I would write every day with my friends, and we came up with innumerable ideas for stories and characters. Before long, we were developing an entire comic, complete with illustrations and thirty-five original chapters to write. Unfortunately, we never finished the project, but the passion and care we put into our stories was evident. I spent roughly two years of my life enveloped in these fictional worlds, and although my fanfiction writing is slowly fizzling out, I never want to lose my author’s spark. When I’m in the midst of writing a story, I get lost in the world I’ve created. Time flies by as quick as a flash, and hours might pass before I realize I have spent my entire day immersed in typing. Writing captivates me because there is a plethora of information and creative prowess at my fingertips that is just waiting to come to life. Writer’s block will occasionally get in the way, and that’s when I usually consult my friends. I don’t have as much access to all of my online friends anymore, but Alayna Winans is also an aspiring writer with fantastic ideas to share. If all goes well, eventually you’ll see both of our names under book titles!

Captivating Concept: Skills
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