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  • The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

I have encountered a number of setbacks and challenges in my life, but a recent one that resonates with me the most is my experience with anxiety. About a year or two ago, in the midst of Covid, I started to experience anxious thoughts and attacks like I never had before. After a panic attack at school and months of wondering what was wrong, my family let me see a counselor. She told me I had anxiety, confirming my suspicions, and she helped me to understand the cause. The first and second sessions were awkward. I was not sure what to expect and used the sessions as a way to vent all of my problems. My counselor continued to be patient with me, reminding me to slow down, acknowledge my emotions, and develop a better system for keeping my anxiety at bay. She gave me a “coping toolbox” which has helped immensely, and slowly but surely she learned more about me and helped me discover the best ways for me to deal with my anxious thoughts. We would always bring Jesus into the picture which, in essence, is the best remedy there could be. The half-year or so that I had a counselor has helped me transition back into normalcy after the crux of Covid, and it has shown me that my emotions are a blessing, not a curse.

Facing a Challenge: Skills
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