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As my years at Foothills Christian High School fly by, I can look back at past experiences and know I have grown in my spiritual life. My time at this high school has continued shaping me as a person and as a follower of God. One specific moment this year, I believe I have shown myself to be a faithful follower of Christ. 
I used to work at Shadow Mountain’s “Solid Rock” Cafe, but I had to quit because of school. A couple of weeks before I left, a new girl was hired. I trained her in certain skills, hoping she would be able to step into my shoes on the job, but it did not look like she would be staying. After a few shifts working with her, I learned about her family situation and why she had to continuously leave work early. After hearing her story, I promised to pray for her and stay in contact with her. One night at work, I saw God do something amazing. We were deciding who should wipe down tables and she volunteered. When she came back, she told me about how she heard the pastor of Shadow Mountain speak about a free book for new believers. She knew I was a Christian, and she wanted to learn more. I knew I couldn’t tell her everything she needed to know, so I covered for her while she talked with the owner of the bookstore across from us. The conversation was longer than expected, but I knew God was working in her. She returned with a Bible and a few new books about Jesus. I figured this would be my only experience watching her come to the Lord, but I didn’t think I would be involved in the process. 
The next day, however, God used me to work in her life. She showed up to work feeling sick, and she was worried about a guardian who might not pick her up early from her shift. She was noticeably worried about it, and we were the only two in the front at the time. All of a sudden, I heard a small voice in the back of my mind saying “pray with her.” At first, I was reluctant. I had only known this new coworker for a short amount of time and I wasn’t accustomed to praying for strangers. Eventually, though, I decided to push aside my anxiety and take a leap of faith. I asked if I could pray for her and we stepped into the supply closet for privacy. I was not sure what was to come of this prayer, but I knew God had a plan for me at this moment. I felt the Holy Spirit guide me as a prayed for her, and after it was done she was in tears. I felt moved by this experience and so grateful and blown away that God had used me to touch my coworker. After an hour or so, she came to me and said her guardian was able to pick her up. She told me she did not think this would have happened if we had not prayed.
This experience is so powerful to me and a reminder that God can use anyone in any stage of life to touch someone else. I hope to live up to this moment in the future as a follower of Christ, and I hope the Lord uses me beyond high school and into my adult years to continue doing His work.

Faithful Follower: Skills
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