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Image by Aaron Burden


A servant leader is someone who puts themselves aside to help and influence others. I believe I have been a servant leader throughout my time at Foothills Christian High School. Although I have not gotten the official title of “student leader” from Foothills church, I have done the best I can to serve my classmates at the school. One example I have of being a servant leader happened extremely recently. I was getting ready for a tech rehearsal in drama when someone I knew came into the bathroom, crying. At first, I busied myself with finishing my makeup and costume because they were talking with someone else, but once they were finished I felt compelled to pray for this person. I asked about their situation, mentioning a few things I overheard, and then I prayed for them. During this prayer, I felt God moving in me and in my friend. The words I was saying did not feel like my own, so I knew they had to be from God. When the prayer was finished, I stayed there and listened to them talk for a little longer. I cannot relate to their situation in any way, and I wish I had something more to say, but I think God put me there at the right place and time simply to listen. I think this instance shows me as a servant leader because I was putting my own needs aside to pray and listen to a friend. I hope that God opens more doors like this for me in the future and that I will be prepared to be a servant leader for Him.

Servant Leader: Feature
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