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A brag sheet helps you think about who you are and what makes you special! It is a tool to help start the writing process for personal statements, college admission and scholarship essays. Share with teachers, counselors, or college advisers who plan to write your letters of recommendation.


1. Name:  Lissa Gray           Age:  17

Year in school: 12th grade

2. Plans after high school (university, community college, military, technical school, work, etc.): 


3. Major (If student’s plan is to attend college):

Vocal Performance

4. Career(s) I’m interested in pursuing: Actor, author, graphic designer, worship leader

5. Honors/Awards I have received (in school, community, county):

Drama Award (FCHS), Atlas Award (YAT), Sparkplug Award (FCHS Drama)

6. Activities/Sports I have been involved in:

FCHS Drama, Gathering Worship Collective, CYT, YAT

Grade: 6th-12th

7. School clubs/organizations I have belonged to:

The Writer’s Guild (Vice President)

Date: 2022


8. Community Service I have done: Served on FCHS Worship Team, GWC, Gathering Youth’s Worship Team, and SMCC Alpine’s Worship Team; Helped homeless downtown

Date: 2021-2022

9. Work Experience:

Blogger for Amy Gray Photography, Food Service (Provider)

Date: 2020-2021

10. At what do you excel?  List your strengths in and out of school: 

Leading (groups, projects, etc.)






11. List 3 positive personal character traits, such as honest, sincere, conscientious, etc. 


Energetic, creative, thoughtful

12. Other information about me that would be helpful in writing a recommendation: 

I am encouraging to my peers and I can collaborate well with a group. I am very studious and ensure that all of my work is done on time to the best of my ability.

Brag Sheet: Feature
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